We are so excited about your participation in this prayer walk. Matthew 21:22 reminds us that when we pray God hears our prayers and will answer us. So as you journey along this walk pray with expectation and hope. Below are some instructions for your time on our property.

The property is located at 17922 Old YMCA Rd. in Winter Garden FL.
Turn onto Old YMCA Rd from Avalon Rd. You will pass the Hawksmoor neighborhood on your right and Waterleigh development on your left. The road will narrow as you approach our property. It is currently surrounded by farms and undeveloped land. The property will be on your left, look for the sign!

Parking and Instructions
- The gate is closed but not locked, please close it when you leave.
- Park in the grass near the front of the property
- The prayer walk is a mown path to guide you around the property, please be careful as
- There are exposed roots that could be tripping hazards.
- Along the path there are 6 trees with signs on them with a word to prompt prayer.
- Below each word is a verse.
- Use your Bible app to look up and read the verse.
- Pray for that word to embody what happens on this property.
- While you walk along the property in between prayer stations pray and talk with God about whatever is on your heart. Remember He is listening and cares deeply about what you care about.
- Please close the gate and latch it when you leave.
- Come back any time from sun-up to sun down.

Tips and Ideas for Prayer Walks
- Pray expecting God to show up.
- Picture Jesus walking alongside you as you journey around the property.
- Pray out loud or in silence, God hears you either way.
- Don’t be in a hurry, God loves it when we give Him our time and attention.
- Listen for the small still voice of the Holy Spirit while you are walking.
- If you are in a group or with someone else take turns reading the scripture and praying at each prayer station.
- Play worship music while you walk and pray, or sing- there is no one around so sing your heart out!
Other verses to read about prayer:
- 1 John 5:14-15
- Phil 4:6-7
- 1 Thess 5:16-18
- Matthew 6:5-8